Summary: Today’s episode is with your host Coran Woodmass breaking down four real world examples of consumer product brands that sold for $1MM, $10MM, $100MM and $1B. Coran discusses what drives value from the buy-side in each of these transactions and how to think about this if you want to sell your business in the future.Show […]
TAE EP 16: Part 2 Roll Ups – Mark Sancrant
Summary: Mark Sancrant is back on TAE to talk more about Roll Ups. What they are and what to think about if you are planning to undertake a roll up or being acquired as part of a roll up. Make sure to check out part 1 if you haven’t heard it already notes:Planning for […]
TAE EP 15: Part 1 Roll Ups – Mark Sancrant
Summary: Mark Sancrant is back on TAE this time to talk about Roll Ups from his first hand experience on being on all sides of roll up transactions. What they are, why they are so popular and what to think about if you are planning to undertake a roll up or being acquired as part […]
TAE EP 14: When To Raise Capital From VCs – Chris Rawlings
Summary: An injury from partying too hard led Chris to create products to help others. This then lead to raising capital from VCs to start Judolaunch a company to help brands scale their Amazon sales channel.Show notes:Intro about ChrisRaising a seed roundUsing an unfair advantageSeed AcceleratorsDifferent business culturesLiving in China versus the USAHave self awareness through […]
TAE EP 13: Turning Around a 189-Year-Old Company Then Exiting – Nate Collins
*Since the interview Nate is set to leave Concord and go onto his next adventure and we can’t wait to see what he does next!Summary: From a hippie commune to the board room, Nate had a career as an investment manager at a Private Equity Group focused on real estate before becoming CEO of Samuel French […]
TAE EP 12: Acquiring 9 Businesses In 12 Months – Kevin Graham
Summary: Kevin went from building and selling affiliate websites to building and acquiring hosting companies. After reaching $1mm in annual revenue run rate he and his partner have decided to pause the acquisition plans for now. Listen in to find what acquiring 9 companies in under 12 months looks like and what Kevin would do if […]